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Together, let’s build a safer, more accessible, and better-connected community along Coors Boulevard.

A variety of factors contribute to the unsafe conditions on Coors Boulevard:

  • Few Crosswalks: There are few crosswalk intersections, leaving people to unsafely cross streets without a pedestrian signal.
  • Low Lighting: This creates conditions where cars have hit pedestrians at high speeds (particularly during the evening, late night, or early morning hours).
  • Lacking Sidewalks: Along the roadway itself, there is a lack of sidewalks and other multi-use paths, leaving people to travel along the shoulder–which is dangerous for walking, biking, and using mobility devices.

Bernalillo County sees the current conditions as unacceptable and is implementing measures to eliminate traffic deaths and severe injuries. While the County’s efforts will improve travel conditions for people walking and biking, this project also makes roads safer and easier to navigate for drivers. The County is taking steps to help drivers avoid the life-changing legal, financial, and moral consequences that come along with hitting a pedestrian.

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